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All regular Board of Education meetings are held on Tuesday evenings, beginning with a Closed Session at 5:30 p.m., immediately followed by Open Session at 6:00 p.m. Unless otherwise noted, the meetings will take place at the District Administrative Center, 515 West Main Street, Barrington, Illinois. All Board meetings are live-streamed on the Board's YouTube channel

Click here for meeting agendas.
The purpose of the Policy Committee is to review existing policies, recommend changes where necessary, and propose new policies for consideration by the Board. 

 Pursuant to School Board Policy 2:150, the Board of Education may establish committees to assist with the Board's governance function and, in some situations, to comply with state law requirements. Each committee reports directly to the Board of Education. Committee members may include both Board Members and non-Board Members depending on the committee's purpose. Committee appointments are made at the organization meeting of the Board that is held following the consolidated election in April of odd-numbered years. Committee meetings are typically held once per month.

Tickets: https://app.arts-people.com/index.php?ticketing=d220

In roaring twenties Chicago, Roxie Hart murders a faithless lover and convinces her hapless husband, Amos, to take the rap... until he finds out he's been duped and turns on Roxie. Convicted and sent to death row, Roxie and another "Merry Murderess," Velma Kelly, vie for the spotlight and the headlines, ultimately joining forces in search of the "American Dream": fame, fortune, and acquittal.


Tickets: https://app.arts-people.com/index.php?ticketing=d220

In roaring twenties Chicago, Roxie Hart murders a faithless lover and convinces her hapless husband, Amos, to take the rap... until he finds out he's been duped and turns on Roxie. Convicted and sent to death row, Roxie and another "Merry Murderess," Velma Kelly, vie for the spotlight and the headlines, ultimately joining forces in search of the "American Dream": fame, fortune, and acquittal.


Tickets: https://app.arts-people.com/index.php?ticketing=d220

In roaring twenties Chicago, Roxie Hart murders a faithless lover and convinces her hapless husband, Amos, to take the rap... until he finds out he's been duped and turns on Roxie. Convicted and sent to death row, Roxie and another "Merry Murderess," Velma Kelly, vie for the spotlight and the headlines, ultimately joining forces in search of the "American Dream": fame, fortune, and acquittal.


Tickets: https://app.arts-people.com/index.php?ticketing=d220

In roaring twenties Chicago, Roxie Hart murders a faithless lover and convinces her hapless husband, Amos, to take the rap... until he finds out he's been duped and turns on Roxie. Convicted and sent to death row, Roxie and another "Merry Murderess," Velma Kelly, vie for the spotlight and the headlines, ultimately joining forces in search of the "American Dream": fame, fortune, and acquittal.

220 Initiatives

2024-2025 Theme 

The theme in Barrington 220 for the 2024-25 school year is The Place to B!

Learn More


"North Barrington is committed to providing our students with an educational experience focused on future innovation while still honoring our rich history. Our staff is dedicated to the strong relationships we have built together with our school community. By setting high expectations for learning both in the area of academics and social emotional success, students are inspired to grow and be proud of being a part of a school that is safe, nurturing, and fun!"

Dr. Lisa WestPrincipalNorth Barrington Elementary

Innovation 220

The Barrington 220 School District is a nationally recognized school district known for its rich history, sense of community and innovative curriculum.

Learn more

    North Barrington 

    Photo of Sara Jirasek


    As a teacher at NBS, I can positively influence a child's way of thinking or doing. I can facilitate a safe learning environment for them to build their self-esteem, thrive, and believe in their ability to learn, no matter what obstacles they face. I can make a difference.


    .Sara JirasekAssistant Principal

    Photo of Jody Carroll


    I love being part of the NBS community! We have amazing students, parents, and staff!Jody CarrollAdministrative Assistant

    Photo of Cade Coleman


    I love that they keep us safe. The lunch ladies help us and all our teachers teach us so we get smarter. It's the best!"  Cade ColemanStudent

    Photo of Julie Koob


    I love teaching because of the awesome students here at NBS. They inspire me and push me to be a better teacher, each and everyday. The family community is so connected and supportive. NBS is a treasured place because of all the special people who are a part of it.Julie KoobTeacher

    Photo of Jack Milne

    I have made a lot friends at North Barrington. Our specials are super fun, and my favorite is P.E. The teachers are caring and support the students.Jack MilneStudent

    Photo of Elisa Rodriguez

    I love teaching at North Barrington because our staff puts kindness, respect, and relationships first. As a fifth-grade teacher, I am lucky to see the years of hard work and dedication the teachers put into all students. We truly are a family here at NBS. #coltprideElisa CastronovaTeacher