Library Media Services
On behalf of the students and staff, welcome to the North Barrington Elementary Library Media Center. We are here to serve the needs of our patrons, short and tall. Please let us know if we can help you enjoy our resources and services.
The library is open on school days from 7:55am - 2:45pm. Every class has a scheduled time for information literacy integration and book check-out during the school week. Students do not have to wait for their checkout day to exchange books. They may check out and return books on any school day with classroom teacher permission.
Book Collection
The North Barrington collection consists of thousands of print and electronic books, database subscriptions, and several periodical subscriptions appropriate for a wide spectrum of elementary readers.
Overdue Policy
Overdue reminders are emailed to parents after an item has been checked out for three weeks without being renewed. There are no overdue fines. After a book has been missing for three months, it will be marked as lost. Patrons will be charged the replacement cost of lost books at the end of the school year.
Check Out Policy
Students may have 2 books checked out at a time. (1 for kindergarteners)
Additional books may be checked out for classroom research projects and assignments.
- Books may be kept for one week with the option to renew for an additional week or longer if needed.
In order to ensure that all students have equitable access to the library's materials, students are asked to return items by their due date.